20th September 2024 

Hello Talk2The Press,

I submitted a huge quantity of evidence in emails, relating extremely serious details of domestic terrorism, persistently condoned and managed by Dorset Police officers since 2003, to the IOPC, last night and this morning.

  • Below is today's shocking refusal from the IOPC to investigate 21 years of absolutely horrifying police misconduct from Dorset Police officers

I am therefore "waiting on a more sensible reply" from the IOPC, given the horrific crisis of domestic terrorism, affecting myself and my family.

As my circumstances are "extremely similar" to those of Piotr Swiderski (the Polish dad who recently suicided himself) this recent refusal by the IOPC to investigate my evidence demonstrates the extraordinary extremes they will go to, to avoid doing their job, and place us all at increasing danger of severe harassment, violent terrorism and persistent abuse.

Representing some of the worst derelictions of duty seen in our lifetime.

Therefore, if I receive no sensible intelligent reply to my evidence very shortly, I will forward the bulk of the evidence shared with the IOPC (last night & this morning) to you for your perusal and assessment.

Kind regards,

Crispin Galizia

From: crispin galizia <>
Sent: 20 September 2024 12:29
To: !enquiries <>
Subject: Re: IOPC Reference 2022 174610
Dear IOPC,

I note you have not taken the time to review my evidence before replying to my emails. This is not professional or polite.

To be clear, I am making a very specific complaint about very serious police misconduct at Dorset Police.

The names and collar numbers of the officers concerned have been forwarded to you several times already.

Here they are again.

Andrew Jennings 2843
Steven White 7875
Sgt Ashley White 2228

This police misconduct very clearly exposes some of the worst abuses, GBH, and irreversible harm, caused by malicious Police actions, seen in UK criminal history. 

If the IOPC is not able to tackle something so obviously corrupt, evil, and barbaric like this, what are you able to deal with?

This situation is extremely urgent, my family is currently held hostage, with several feared deceased/missing. I therefore will not rest until I find sensible answers to this escalating crisis.

Please note If I do not receive a sensible reply very shortly, I will be sharing previous emails with mainstream news agencies including the BBC, Channel 4, Talk2The Press, etc who are all very keen to hear why it is IOPC are supporting the most cowardly gratuitous violence targeting vulnerable cancer/car accident survivors seen in UK history, including persistent beating/battery, GBH, kidnap, gang rape, & serial murder of innocent members of the British public.

Yours sincerely,

Crispin Galizia

From: !enquiries <>
Sent: 20 September 2024 11:03
To: '' <>
Subject: IOPC Reference 2022 174610

Dear Crispin Galizia,


Thank you for contacting the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). We acknowledge receipt of your 8 emails dated 19 September 2024.


It may be helpful if I briefly explain the IOPC’s role and how it is involved in complaints against the police. The IOPC oversees the police complaints system and sets the standards by which the police should handle complaints. You can make a complaint if you have been the victim of behaviour you felt was inappropriate by a police officer, or are unhappy with the police in general.


Having considered your correspondence, it appears that you are trying to give further information regarding a crime, rather than making a complaint against police misconduct. This does not fall within our remit because the IOPC does not get involved with criminal matters i.e. we have no power to intervene in or change the outcome of a criminal investigation – we only deal with cases of police misconduct. I can only suggest that you contact the police force directly to report any crimes, or seek legal advice.


The IOPC does not have any control over the police handling of a criminal matter; we cannot instruct the police to investigate a criminal allegation nor can we review the results of the same. If you believe that a police force is failing to act on a crime you have reported you should escalate the issue by ringing 101 and asking to speak to a Duty Inspector. If not resolved then you should raise your concerns directly with the Chief Constable of the police force concerned or the corresponding Police and Crime Commissioner.


If, however, you would like to make a complaint about the police, please complete and submit an online complaint form at the following link: Submit a complaint | Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC)


Kind regards


Carol Weston (She/Her)

Customer Contact Advisor

Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC)
PO Box 473


M33 0BW


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