
Showing posts from July, 2019


INTRODUCTION Welcome to the RAINBOW REMEDY! Where unity is strength and strength is the community! This web page seeks to remind us of the original light studies that inspired so many ancient cultures and spiritual traditions around the globe. As well as put these discoveries into context with modern scientific research. We live in a world where division, boundaries and separation are very easy to notice. Where the possibility of an already existing connection between one human being and another is rarely considered. 'Limbs are cherished because they are parts of the body; why then are people not cherished if they are parts of humanity?' Shantideva There is a surprisingly large wealth of evidence to suggest that LIGHT REFRACTION AND RAINBOW SCIENCE were a highly influential tool used by early humans to achieve a clearer comprehension of our inner-nature and make better sense of the world around them. Such societies appear to date back to at least 5000 - 60,