
Showing posts from July, 2023

Reversing Sinus Cancer – An Unsolicited Testimony

[This article, writtyen by myself Crispin Galizia, was 1st Published on 04/29/2014 with my permission on Dr Robert O. Young's website: where it stayed top of Google search results for 9 years (2014-2023) UNTIL... I asked Dr Young a few weeks ago about updating it to "include new lessons learned", and as of 20th July 2023, I have still NOT received an answer. I am therefore publishing the original article here, as a blog, with a view to updating it very shortly to include new lessons learned about links between smoking addiction and cancer, as mentioned in the Holy Bible] When I was 19 years old, during the mid-eighties, I had a very uncommon kind of ‘chemical accident’. At the time, like other curious young people of my generation, I experimented occasionally with sniffing amphetamine. The sniffing of chemicals such as legal highs, cocaine and alike, has rapidly exploded in po