20th Sept 2024


 The email sent to the IOPC in relation to the startling similarity of my circumstances to those of Piotr Swiderski, the recenlty suicided Polish father 31st August 2024


After receiving a shocking reply this morning, stating there is nothing the IOPC can do, about one of the most blatant and horrifying examaples of Police misconduct seen in my lifetime...



- Additional post notes are included first, as found in the email.

- Rest of photos at the end.


  • Including further photographic evidence (attached) to prove all allegations accusing me of inventing stories about GBH, violent assaults, kidnapping, cancer tumors, and being violently threatened are nothing more than malicious lies, designed to promote more egregious terrorism

  • Including one further Timeline attached of the decades wasted by the incessant abhorrent abuses I have been forced to endure, as well as the £20,000 compensation claim posted to Dorset Police, 21st Feb 2024, that was completely ignored

  • Including the crime report (attached) submitted to Dorset Police on 17th Sept 2024, reporting my dad, Dr Galizia on charges of domestic terrorism

  • Also attaching this short video of my serving NOTICE TO QUIT TERRORISM against me, on my dad, Dr Galizia, at his home address in Bath, 13th July 2022
*** *** ***

      • Including one last attachment, a Timeline of my efforts to report my dad, Dr Galizia, to the Police and warn them HE IS INCITING CHILD MASSACRES, very intentionally, with a very specific motive.

      • 28th August I published a video calling for my dad's arrest on Facebook (linked to A&S + Met Police) warning them he MUST be arrested before he incites another child massacre

      • 3 days later, we have another child massacre!
        *** *** *** 
PS As this is so critically important I would like to follow up this email with a phone call tomorrow, to provide confirmation this email has been received, as well as discuss some of the details regarding my identical circumstances.
  • Including this short audio recording of my father, Dr E J Galizia, admitting to trying to kill me, since 2003.

Catching Dorset Police acting on behalf of a paranoid schizophrenic confessed serial killer, operating a gigantic nationwide terrorist operation from Bath, for around 7 years.
*** *** ***
Dear IOPC,

I wrote to you several weeks ago concerning rogue officers from Dorset Police caught targeting me with ruthless protracted hate incitement and violent domestic terrorism.

Since posting these emails, it has become very clear that a large number of similar details regarding my unusual circumstances are shared with Piotr Swiderski, the Polish dad who recently suicided himself, after killing his 3 children. Meaning I am being subjected to precisely the same ruthless sustained Police harassment that drove Piotr Swiderski to kill his children and then take his own life.

More evidence has recently come to light in the form of Facebook censorship being used to destroy vital compelling evidence (concerning Piotr Swiderski) from my Facebook page Crispin Galizia, as well as 3 other profiles I have:

  1. the page with Piotr Swiderski evidence and posts that keep appearing, then disappearing

  1. locked out of this page 2 days ago (for the second time), after posting evidence of GBH following assaults from my father Dr Galizia's campaign of beating/battery, GBH with intent, and serial murder. Including an audio recording of my dad admitting to trying to kill me, using 20 years of intensive hate incitement, beating/battery, and murder attempts:

  1. the Facebook page I am currently using, (under threat of being removed/taken down any moment)

       4. my Percy Shelley, Facebook account, keeps appearing and disappearing, although no evidence on the page, as far as I'm aware

Recent Events

This morning around 10 posts were all deleted from page No 1, only to reappear again 10 seconds later, then be deleted again shortly after.

Checking again just now, the posts are back again.

I placed heavy restrictions on page No. 1 a few days ago, fully aware that if I didn't, the page could disappear in the blink of an eye. So you may not be able to log in to page No 1 without being granted permission.

I was locked out of my original Facebook page (No. 2) on my birthday 6th June 2024, then let back in 3 days ago, 16th June 2024. When I published more evidence of GBH following a court hearing where I was told I was apparently "delusional" for complaining about GBH because according to Dorset Police, I had "never been attacked" and was "making it all up". Leaving me no choice but to post more evidence on Facebook of the GBH/battery/serious injury I have endured, and risk being locked out of my account again, presumably for posting more compelling evidence.

If the evidence removed from Facebook exposes how the 20-year campaign of terror that I have been subjected to is also very real, not made-up, and police have been lying all along about it, we have just established another reason for my being locked out: to hide vital evidence relating to what exactly happened to Piotr Swiderski and his 3 children, who may well have been subjected to a very similar campaign of intense protracted hate incitement and harassment as myself.

My Blog List

If you have issues viewing evidence on Facebook, restricted access, etc, I have duplicated all the posts as blogs, so you can find all the posts from page No. 1 (and other pages) in my blog list:

[If you have any issues opening these blogs please let me know, and I will find a better method of sharing.]

To Summarise

Efforts to remove evidence from my Facebook pages and remove accounts are a flagrant attempt to destroy vital evidence about a horrifying triple murder-suicide tragedy. If this happened once, I could perhaps overlook it, but this has been going on relentlessly for several months now, (since 6th June 2024 when I was first locked out of my original account). 

Destroying vital evidence is very obviously obstructing/perverting the course of justice, clearly constituting a very determined effort to "fudge an extremely important murder investigation".

This will of course help to excuse the people responsible for this horrifying Piotr Swiderski tragedy, as well as increase the likelihood of another child massacre/suicide happening in the near future, simply by hiding the full story of what (and how) it happened, and denying us the right to a full investigation.

The Officers Under Suspicion

These officers are under suspicion for infiltrating Facebook, terrorizing Facebook admin (month after month) to take down/destroy evidence, remove posts, and cancel accounts without notice. And by doing so, clearly trying to incite another massacre/suicide. 

Also guilty of using their position to ruthlessly harass and terrorize me (Crispin) since 2018 with fallacious nonsensical allegations, to try as hard as they can to drive me to take my own life, year after year. (Motive already established: destroy vast quantities of my evidence, including cures for cancer.)

Andrew Jennings 2843
Steven White 7875
Sgt Ashley White 2228

Personal Note

My intuition is telling me Piotr Swiderski may well have been threatened with an arrest over a Facebook post (or similar) and then told he would be detained in a mental facility (or similar) or maybe even extradited abroad, leading him to realize he may not see his kids again. Or at least for a long time. Prompting his tragic and appalling actions.

Either way, the press has fallen silent on this issue for several weeks now, as suspicions rise accordingly, regarding one of the worst child-massacre tragedies seen in my lifetime. This cannot be right on any level.

Given the extraordinary determination 3rd parties have recently shown to decimate evidence, obstruct justice, and fudge this very important investigation, I hope we can work together to prevent a similar tragedy from happening again anytime soon.

Yours sincerely,

Crispin Galizia




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