1994 - 1999

I displayed all the classical symptoms of Sinus Cancer quite severely when I first presented myself to GP’s at Talbot Medical Centre and ENT specialists at Bournemouth Hospital in 1994.

Symptoms included:

·       * Complete blockage of left sinus cavity accompanied by occasional bleeding from stated area.
·        * Hearing loss
·        * Inability to swallow
·       *  Frequent headaches
·       *  Loose teeth
·       *  Loss of bladder control
·        * Occasional fits/seizures (also attributed to over dosing on anti-congestion medication taken in a desperate bid to clear the nasal blockage)

·        **Etc ** ((The symptoms I experienced were so numerous and complex I have ONLY mentioned the most notable in a bid to keep things concise.))

These symptoms were badly miss-interpreted by my GP’s AND 3 different ENT specialists (1994-95) who ALL failed to correctly diagnose my condition.

  Given the serious nature of my symptoms and extremely lengthy periods of time I was asked to endure them there was no other way for me to interpret this form of neglect other than “sustained brutal torture”.

For the record I do NOT believe any doctor wanted to deliberately and brutally torture me for a prolonged period of time, yet somehow this is exactly what happened. Be it by accident, or simple mistake.

However my father Dr E J Galizia (a retired anaesthetist) has recently been reported to Avon and Somerset Police for openly bragging and boasting during phone calls to me that:

“As a qualified doctor I have the authority to use cancerous tumours to routinely torture, terrorise, badly mutilate, and brutally murder whenever I choose without providing a scan first because I’m above the law”. (Dr E J Galizia)

My dad is 85 y.o and clearly not in his right mind at the time of uttering this strange comment a few weeks ago but it is still very worrying nevertheless.

I was given no choice but to call the Police and ask them if NHS doctors really do have the power to use cancerous tumours to inflict untold misery upon unsuspecting patients before giving them a scan and bothering to find out the real cause of the problem. To establish the real cause of their suffering before the patient dies?

A&S Police admitted that my father’s angry outburst did sound “very worrying indeed” then admitted they are powerless to act or do anything about the issue. In spite of a vast wealth of supporting evidence clearly indicating this ugly sadistic evil form of abuse “using tumours to torture” may well be far more widespread and out of control than anyone really appreciates.

If it happened to me it’s clearly happening to others.

Prompting further questions:

  Ø How do you look after someone who is having their head slowly pulled apart by an aggressive cancerous tumour that doctors are refusing to recognise, diagnose or treat?

My wife at the time of the miss-diagnosis (Lorraine Kauffman 1994-1999) was handed the “impossible job” of looking after me with no acknowledgement of her extraordinary efforts.

It strikes me as completely inhumane to leave anyone in such a clear state of obscene torture like I was, dependent upon outside help, even if it was the result of an unintentional error. What is the difference between using cancerous tumours to torture and using standard torture equipment?

My father has recently responded by escalating a campaign of threats/isolation and blackmail against me in order to scare me from speaking the truth. Threatening my son, my sister, other family members to name only a few in a desperate bid to stop the “inconvenient truth” from escaping e.g. in the form of case studies like this one.

I therefore have to ask myself why such a huge campaign of intimidation has been necessary. As well as how many more (Sinus) cancer patients are being subjected to indefinite torture from horrific symptoms then subjected to relentless terrorism to silence them?

Again no one seems to know the true extent of this problem. The fact the Police admit they’re powerless to do anything does clearly suggest that yes, this is happening to lots of other people. Yes it is being encouraged by the Police. Yes the problem is growing worse every day and may already be completely out of control.


As you may already be aware, there are 2 major obstacles to identifying Sinus Cancer:

1.     Mistaking it for Flu Symptoms…or a “Nasal Polyp”

2.     The doctor thinks the patient is mad/has mental health issues
Or both!

However when the problem persists for many weeks, or even months it should become a lot more obvious what the real cause is.

 Ø It’s a medical fact that severe blockages to one side of the sinus cavity do not last more than 6 weeks at the most.

 Ø Therefore a stubborn blockage (to the Left or Right side) of the nasal passage that simply will not budge after 6- 8 weeks is therefore VERY LIKELY TO BE CANCER!!!

 Ø And extremely unlikely to be anything else but cancer. Reason being there is NO OTHER EXPLANATION for a permanent blockage to one side of the nasal passage way for more than 8 weeks.

Any foreign particle, piece of food will dis-lodge relatively quickly.
If doctors are apparently qualified experts at treating all types of cancer how come they were NOT able to diagnose or recognise a blatantly obvious case of Sinus Cancer in 18 years, 1994 – 2012, concerning myself?

As someone who has battled this dread disease for over 2 decades I am fully aware that Sinus Cancer is as ancient illness, as old as the human race itself, well in excess of 300,000 years old.

Sinus Cancer is not a “new illness” like AIDS or Bird Flu.
So where is all our hard won expertise?

What happened to our 300,000 years of experience?

Doctors worldwide, by simple definition, should ALL be highly experienced experts, able to swiftly:

 Ø Diagnose cancers in the Sinus cavity in the very early stages.
 Ø Suggest effective treatments.
 Ø Reverse the illness quickly and effectively.

The appalling facial mutilations resulting from late diagnosis and radical surgery to remove stage 4 tumours of the Sinus Cavity are very revealing of the stark inability of doctors to quickly diagnose, suggest helpful treatment options or even provide constructive advice to control/reverse the progress of the disease.

There is of course a very simple reason for this that points very clearly to the outright suppression of cures for Sinus Cancer that dates back many thousands of years.

Fast effective remedies that I did not discover until 2014 – 2018, leaving me very disappointed it took so long to find simple, fast, powerful and effective solutions to a problem that a had plagued me for nearly 2 decades removing the majority of my teeth and even changing the shape of my face.

Some anti-cancer solutions I discovered on the Internet around 2011-12, for instance the Alkaline Diet and the use of Sodium Bicarbonate to slow the progress of cancerous conditions. Although not as powerful and effective as the remedies I discovered in 2018 they may well have helped to keep me alive and provide a foundation for further discoveries.


As I mentioned earlier the “lack of any formal cancer diagnosis” may well have helped to save my life. Why? I have discovered a clear “hidden danger” in the early diagnosis of Sinus Cancer if the patient is not aware of effective treatments to reverse the condition at the time of diagnosis:

1.     Patient is panic-stricken and scared witless by their Sinus Cancer diagnosis.

2.     Patient continues smoking in order to placate anxiety issues.

3.     Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery have potentially catastrophic consequences, resulting in horrific facial mutilations, as well as recurrence of the disease (secondary cancers caused by the treatment/smoking combined) resulting in inevitable early death.


The cures I discovered in 2018 are very clearly “ancient ingenious natural tricks”. The first example being OIL PULLING.

OIL PULLING originates from Indian Ayurvedic medicine in use 5000 years ago and highly likely to be much older, closer to 50,000 years old.
I started OIL PULLING on the 1st Jan 2019 several times a day (after eating) for a few minutes on each occasion. I have rarely completed the “full 20 mins swishing” often recommended but nevertheless still achieved great results.

I never went back to the dentist again (!) in the meantime managing to save the last of my teeth and return my “dark looking stumps” to healthy white equivalents in the space of 9 months.

It then rapidly became clear that OIL PULLING could have EASILY saved ALL my teeth, if I had only known about it when it most mattered in 1994.
The logic behind OIL PULLING is very straight forward:

 Ø Plants contain EXTREMELY LOW levels of bacteria, (until they die of course!) thus Oils extracted also contain similarly low levels of bacteria and therefore naturally sterile by design.

 Ø Certain Oils **specifically Sunflower/Vegetable/Coconut/Sesame** have ALL been noted to have a magnetic effect drawing out specifically the bacteria that cause tooth decay.

 Ø So if we vigorously swish plant oil around our mouth we can successfully remove the bacteria/fungi/microbes associated with tooth decay, heal cavities (notably with much faster success in children BUT still possible for adults) reducing our visits to the dentist by 99% all in a single moment of realisation.

Tooth decay is of course (again) an ancient disease. As old as the human race, in the region of 300,000 years old. And also notably THE most prevalent and common disease in modern Western societies.

In days before electricity and Dental Practices is it really so surprising that humans discovered a way to reverse tooth decay? Control dental corrosion and heal cavities? Avoid abscesses, extractions, untold misery and accompanied cancer/heart attack risks?

OIL PULLING may well have been a standard everyday treatment in some societies many 1000’s of years ago so why do we not see it today?
When we look at how many jobs we have created in the absence of OIL PULLING it’s not hard to see why such a simple ingenious trick had to be eliminated in order to make way for jobs/financial interests. Also explaining how dental corrosion quickly became the most prolific disease facing modern Western society.

This is truly tragic news for Sinus Cancer patients (!) who are the first to experience LOOSE TEETH and exasperated tooth decay as one of the first symptoms. And therefore stand to benefit the most from OIL PULLING.

As well as suffer the worst consequences in its absence, as clearly seen in my case.


Clearly suggesting that the remedies for Sinus cancer, such as OIL PULLING, had to be systematically removed for one reason and one reason only: they promote vitality and health.

Prompting the next question:
How many more simple tricks to reverse Sinus Cancer have been destroyed simply because they may help to maintain the vitality of the general population?
I can assure you that Oil Pulling is not alone. 

When we see how easy it is to use the badly mutilated faces of Sinus Cancer victims to collect vast sums of money for Cancer Research Charities we must be suspicious of further criminal activity.

Money for the badly mutilated man? Is the oldest trick in the book and may well have been very common 100, 000 years ago.
Old habits clearly die hard.


How much of this public money today (£1.33 Billion per year from Cancer research in the UK alone) is being used to keep the cures for Sinus Cancer suppressed and a well-hidden secret? Such as Oil Pulling for example?

The likely assassination in times gone by of anyone with the right knowledge to successfully reverse/treat Sinus Cancer may well have been regarded as good-business-advice quite simply to set up “the biggest health scam on planet earth”.

Clearly revealing the stark possibility dozens of expert healers were all routinely executed to make way for more jobs and more money.

Finally explaining why dedicated health professionals living in our so-called “civilised modern advanced society” know so little about the clearly ancient disease: Sinus Cancer.


Highlighting the real reasons why we are still not able to recognise severe Sinus Cancer symptoms (after many years) and why we still have practically NO knowledge on how to reverse tumours effecting the nasal cavities.

However this does leave the possibility for cures to be re-discovered.

As you may have realised by now, the extraordinary part about this tale is that the “fundamental diagnostic error” made my ENT specialists in 1994 may well have helped to save my life (and face!) in the long run and set me on the path to finding permanent cures.

Although at the time I had no idea of course, already convinced I was being subjected to the worst human torture and medical neglect imaginable. How ironic is that?

Without any outside help at the beginning in 1994-5 I was forced to find solutions of my own. Anything that helped:

 Ø I changed my diet to more healthy plant based choices, avoiding sugar, simply just to feel better and get through the day.

 Ø Tried my best to eliminate antagonising factors and quit habits that exasperated my condition e.g. smoking, although true success did not arrive until 2018.

The quest for cures was a long dangerous road full of surprises. The most common of which was being miss-understood, miss-interpreted and bullied by “do-gooders” trying to manipulate me and force me to their way of thinking.


For 17 years (1994-2011) I was forced to find solutions of my own. A very mixed blessing to say the least for the following reasons:

Ø 2003 – 2012 I was routinely bullied by random thugs and hooligans who singled me out as an easy target. Noticing I looked unwell and unable to defend myself. Thus I was under constant attack on the path to find remedies.

 Ø Violently and regularly assaulted by random thugs who all ran to the Police to falsify Police statements/commit perjury in order cover their crimes/make me look like the offender and prosecute me for their own violent offences. Unable to defend myself or speak clearly these simple perversions of justice were all very successful for the thugs concerned. Nearly landing me in jail on 2 occasions for someone else’s crimes.

 Ø The relentless bullying, followed by running to the Police to frantically lie repeatedly to cover up violent crimes then became a regular feature. The more success lying thugs had committing perjury, the worse it became.

 Ø Eventually I had no choice but to call it “a highly sophisticated cancer patient bashing campaign” that clearly included Police/CPS and Magistrates Courts who all appeared willing to toe the line and commit blatant perjury on behalf mindless thugs, if the money was right. Usually in the form of a fine handed to me in the Courtroom.

 Ø Raising the next question, how many more cancer patients are being miss-diagnosed only to find themselves in a Courtroom a short while later? How many cancer patients end up in jail before they are diagnosed? How many are sitting in cells as I write?

In many ways this resembles a carefully baited-trap set by doctors for the Police!

1.     Doctor fails to correctly diagnose serious (sinus) cancer problem.

2.     Patient quickly ends up being bullied by ruthless thugs/3rd parties who run straight to the Police asking for help falsifying statements and committing perjury to cover up their own offences.

3.     Cancer patient gets charged for someone else’s offence: jailed and/or fined


How old is this problem? How does it work?

·        Cures are routinely hidden/removed/destroyed by the very people claiming to look for them. Cancer research Charities of course.

·        When a patient develops a tumour in their sinus cavity they are “kept in the dark”, routinely terrified by the symptoms while told they have bad flu or a polyp.
·        When symptoms persist doctor tells patient “You clearly have serious mental health issues”.

·        Doctors/family/friends start enjoying the big ego trip, as a clear “master – slave” scenario develops. And the patient is subjected to extreme indefinite torture (usually starting with frequent tooth abscesses, agonising pain and early removal of teeth.)  

·       Bullies/thugs and violent cowards quickly surround the patient spotting a weak link and waste no time pushing them about/physically assaulting them.

·        Police move in to try and stop the “the massive patient bashing campaign” now in full-swing and end up arresting the “outnumbered” patient (who all the violent thugs claim is guilty).

·        Patient ends up in a courtroom facing charges relating to reams of fictitious nonsense invented by slippery lying violent cowards.

·        Unable to articulate their version of events clearly or defend themselves properly the cancer patient is found guilty, fined and/or sent to jail.

·        As soon as the army of thugs realise how easy it all was they’re back at it again. Cycle repeats itself indefinitely. Until someone realises what’s going on, calls “foul” and steps in to say “enough is enough”.

Quite simply there is far too much financial incentive to drag about Sinus Cancer patients who are unable to defend themselves/articulate their defence properly during a Police interview or in a courtroom.

Exposing a huge culture of exploitation upon anyone with head injuries/sinus/brain cancer who can’t speak as coherently as normal healthy people do. And therefore properly defend themselves during Police interviews. 

((** I sustained a serious head injury and consequent brain damage when hit head-on by a car in 1981 at 14 years old and my head went through the windscreen with considerable force **))


Only recently have I began to file formal complaints to the IOPC in regard to this troubling matter. Reminding the Police of the cycle of relentless oppression, violence, falsified statements/perjury that ran unchecked for the best part of 16 years, from 2003 to the present day.

The Police were taken by complete surprise when they found out. Quite embarrassed when they realised it was all a huge scam! Only time will tell if I receive any compensation or even any recognition for past abuses at this stage.


In 2011 while visiting the Cancer Research UK database looking for help I stumbled upon a list of my symptoms under the heading “Paranasal Sinus Cancer”.
 Ø It was immediately crystal clear. As soon as I cast my eyes down the list of symptoms I’d found the answer.

 Ø The severity of my symptoms was so extreme, so unique, so unusual, and so persistent, I was in no doubt about the authenticity of my cancer diagnosis.

I’d been suffering from cancer for 17 years at this point, without even knowing I had cancer! I was reeling…

Now spurred to research other Sinus Cancer cases and testimonies I was finally able to contact other patients via the “Facebook Sinus Cancer Support Page” and share stories.
At last I was able to speak and connect with people who had experienced some of the hideous torture/misery I had. You can’t imagine the relief.


In a state of bewilderment at my “Sinus Cancer discovery” on the Cancer Research UK website I booked an appointment with Dr Ferang (Providence Surgery) to share this disturbing news in hope of finally gaining access to a scan that could confirm my overwhelming suspicions.

Dr Ferang initially appeared unhappy with my cancer-revelation and abruptly refused to send me for a scan. Instead advising I book an appointment with Dr Turnbull. To be honest this struck me as a very strange reaction to such an obvious problem, however I did what I was instructed to do and booked an appointment with Dr Turnbull.

Extremely frustrated and fed up during my appointment with DR Ferang I was slightly rude and said “it’s like a mantra round here, no one cares!”

Dr Ferang looked quite unimpressed and very possibly left a note on my patient page to that effect “don’t help Crispin- he was rude to me!”

My intention was not to be rude (!) but to spur Dr Ferang into realising I had been neglected for 17 years and desperately wanted a scan.

PLEASE NOTE: I was desperately keen to access an MRI scan to show the Police the scale of abuse against cancer patients and apply for compensation relating to relentless physical assaults/perjury perpetrated against me since 2003.

I booked my appointment with Dr Turnbull as requested.

Dr Turnbull also appeared reluctant to give me a scan to confirm my suspicions, again appearing frustrated with my demands and fed up with my lectures on natural anti-cancer treatment options/self-diagnosis.

The reasons for blocking access to a basic MRI to detect cancer issues appeared to stem from the possibility that a scan may clearly provide positive proof of previous medical neglect. And consequent harm.

This was the only explanation I could arrive at, given the unusual circumstances. What other reason could there be for denying someone so obviously suffering with Sinus Cancer an MRI scan?


Still keen to have an MRI scan of my sinus/brain area to identify cancer issues I booked more appointments with GPs from Providence Surgery: Dr Vincent and Dr Carter.

I can only assume a note was left on my “patient page” demanding a blanket block for an MRI scan as Dr Vincent/Dr Carter both immediately reiterated their refusal similar to Dr Turnbull’s decision a few weeks earlier.

After more disappointing consultations with Dr Vincent and Dr Carter I was given no choice but to “give up” with GP appointments. By simple definition I was going around in circles.

Another reason why I have chosen to write this report rather than book another appointment.

I am perfectly willing to book another appointment but feel this opportunity to share my discoveries in documented format will be much more helpful in the meantime. After all, if another patient appears complaining of similar symptoms to mine, in similar circumstances, this case study may come in very useful for reference purposes.

It’s also worth noting that on each GP appointment I did make considerable efforts to provide carefully documented details of my symptoms and provide adequate proof of my suspicions. But all in vain.

2012 -2014

Abandoned by my GP’s I went on a mission to find cures. My life, after all, depended on it.

After reading about the inherent dangers associated with traditional cancer treatments/chemotherapy etc I had already made up my mind I wanted the scan but not the treatment. And quickly embarked on investigating every available anti-cancer treatment/piece of related evidence I could find on the web.

Arguably a positive outcome in some ways as it spurred me to start urgently looking for solutions and remedies. However the most effective cures did not arrive until 2018, very late in the day. Ending a 25 year long search.

Clearly indicating that I may not be the first person to discover these cures. More likely the last in a long line of hapless healers.

2014  -2018

 Ø Further loss of teeth clearly indicate that Sinus Cancer is the cause.

 Ø I notice a slight “facial distortion” on my face, clearly created by the tumour I have been battling for the past 20 years. (Further establishing cancer as the cause).

 Ø I begin complaints to the Police over the regular assaults/blatant perversions of justice in order to cover up untold bullying and violent assaults perpetrated against me since 2003. A battle I am still fighting to this day.


I nearly lost my life on several occasions on the path to recovery and therefore feel compelled to share as much knowledge as I possibly can. 

With 25 years of hard won experience some may call me a Sinus Cancer Specialist who learned everything I know at first hand, on the job, so to speak. Highly trained to understand the causes, treatments, political obstacles and remedies far better than anyone else you are ever likely to meet.

I’m in no doubt that if I had access to the knowledge in these pages 25 years ago I could have avoided tremendous suffering and waste of life. I therefore strongly urge you to keep this safe to share in future, as and when the need arises.


The 3 main causes of Sinus Cancer are fairly well-known: smoking, chemical pollutants and house-hold dust.

It therefore makes perfect sense that the best placed person to help a Sinus Cancer patient is someone who knows how to tackle irresponsible smoking habits. Someone with experience who knows how to turn this destructive habit around quickly, effectively and permanently for the benefit of all concerned.

Smoking is after all another ancient issue, much like tooth decay and Sinus Cancer, again pointing to ancient solutions.

However smokers also provide the best “return business” for those who wish to profit from the sick. Providing multiple reasons to destroy helpful solutions to quit destructive smoking habits.

As you may have guessed by now this does also involve “ingenious ancient tricks” concerning the consumption of Cannabis so I’m not entirely comfortable about speaking in too much detail here, however I am more than willing to discuss this further in private at my next appointment, if anyone is interested.

Safe to say there is no mention of the last “ingenious trick” I discovered to tackle unhealthy smoking habits (the sledgehammer that finally cracked it) on the web. In spite of the recent growing popularity of Cannabis medicine all we seem to witness is the proliferation of irresponsible methods of consumption and reckless ways of smoking it, especially from America where its use is now more widely accepted.


I apologise profusely for all the upset, confusion and controversy my health challenges have created over the past quarter of a century. However I do feel strongly that this is now a “landmark case” that deserves nothing less than full media attention, if only to avoid a repetition of another similarly tragic case(s) as mine in future.

Yes there are powerful effective cures for Sinus Cancer. Yes they have been violently destroyed. Yes I can prove it all beyond any reasonable doubt. Yes I have a wealth of supporting evidence. And yes we need an independent review from an outside organisation.

A comprehensive BBC documentary to educate the public/healthcare professionals worldwide about my experiences and release cures which can then be passed to scientists to analyse, if they wish.

Paving the way to a much brighter future free from financial corruption, ruthless exploitation, rampant dishonesty and hideously mutilated faces.

We’re clearly still living in the dark ages in many respects and my case study displays this very clearly. And we now have a golden opportunity to evolve from this sad state into something more compassionate, considerate and intelligent.

I hope this has helped you to appreciate the nature of my concerns in more detail.  As well as understand why we have such a shocking lack of knowledge concerning Sinus Cancer in general, in light of its blatantly ancient origins.

I look forward to booking an appointment when the dust has had a chance to settle and wish you all the best for the future/New Year.

Any questions in the meantime:
Crispin Galizia
                            ((  T: 07722770732  ))


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